
September 29
Free Workshops
Community Mural
All are invited to paint!
Wear your painting clothes and visit us along the Millcreek Pathway, underneath the Main Street Bridge!
Local artist Grayce Wylder's mural design was chosen to adorn our town! Painting will be happening on Friday September 27 from 11 - 7 p. m.
Come join us for two minutes or two hours!

Community Art Show reception
recepción de la exposición
de arte comunitario
Meet and mingle with the artists, check out the works and Cast Your VOTE!
Conoce y socializa con los artistas, mira las obras y ¡emite tu voto!
Voting will be open all weekend at the festival. One vote in each category, per person.
• Winning piece will be purchased by the City of Moab, up to $500 for adults and $200 for youth!
• Las piezas ganadoras serán compradas por City of Moab, ¡Hasta $500 para adultos y $200 para jóvenes!
Friday, September 27 from 4:30 - 6:30 p. m.
at the Moab Arts Center

Brought to you by the Storied Self!
We give you a theme (Ripples & Reflections: Exploring Water's Transformative Impact on Community), you bring your own true personal story.
5-8 minutes each. No notes or props.
Friday September 27 from 7p. m. - 9p.m.
at the Moab Arts Center, 111 E 100 N

Solo or Team, test your Moab movie knowledge!
Maybe it's Moab Movie knowledge, or maybe it's Waterworld idiosyncratic information, we're going to put you to the test!
Sunday September 29 from 5:30 - 6:30 p. m.
At the Moab Arts Center (MARC) 111 E 100 N
Just before the film screening of Waterworld!

Because there is literally no other perfect film to show at a festival centering around water and a region Mr. Costner spends so much time in. ;)
This 1995 (arguably cult-classic) post-apocalyptic action movie is set in a future where sea levels have risen to cover most of Earth's landmass.
A lone drifter known as "The Mariner" (Kevin Costner) finds himself in a conflict between a group of survivors seeking a mythical place called "Dryland" and a gang of pirates who want to capture and enslave them.
Sunday September 29, 6:30 - 9:00 p. m.
At the Moab Arts Center (MARC) 111 E 100 N

Dine Tah Dancers
Performing LIVE at Street Fest.
Saturday, September 28 from 12:30 - 1:00 p. m.
in front of the Moab Arts Center.
Followed by a Museum Lecture at the Moab Museum.
Lecture Summary:
William T. Sherman: War Maker -- Peacemaker
Navajo tradition keeper and historian, Shawn Price, will present his research on General William Tecumseh Sherman. The talk will briefly highlight Sherman’s early life and known Civil War exploits. Emphasis will be given to General Sherman’s role in the post-Civil War era on the 1867-68 Peace Commission. A total of six Nation to Nation agreements would be secured by this commission, of which Sherman is the signatory for four. The Navajo Treaty was the final Treaty endorsed by Sherman on June 1, 1868.